Would you like to do something good in memory of a loved one? Donations in memory or commemoration ensure the spirit of someone who has passed lives on.

Read on for helpful tips on how to donate in memory of someone.


You may opt to ask people to donate to dementia research in an obituary. In the obituary, write your request and include the donation account number for the Dementia Research Switzerland - Synapsis Foundation along with the words “In memory of First Name, Surname, Town/City” (e.g.: “In memory of Hans Muster, Zurich”). 

Bereaved family

Please let us know the names and addresses of the bereaved family members so we can inform them about the donations received.


Would you like to help Alzheimer's research by collecting donations during the funeral service? After the service, the church administration can send the collected amount to our donation account. We kindly ask the church administration team to state the purpose of the donation and address of the bereaved family so we can thank them accordingly.

Our contribution

Everyone who donates to dementia research in memory of someone who has passed away receives a thank-you letter from us. Additionally, 4 to 6 weeks after the obituary is published the bereaved family receives an overview with the entire amount donated and a list of everyone who donated. We are unable to detail any individual donation amounts for data privacy reasons.

Your contact person

Franziska Czerny 
Donation Services 
Phone number: +41 44 271 35 11 

Please send donations to:

IBAN: CH31 0900 0000 8567 8574 7 

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